Clinical Supervision

for Allied Health Professionals

CS is a formal arrangement whereby practicing counsellors, psychologists & social workers can discuss their work with an experienced and professionally trained Counselling Supervisor.

A contractual agreement between a Supervisor & Supervisee, private Supervision is generally a fee paying service or it may be included as part of your employment conditions.

If you are a practicing professional Counsellor then engaging in regular Clinical Supervision will serve to support you personally and professionally throughout your career.

All leading Australian Regulatory Associations for Counsellors state that Supervision is a requirement of membership and therefore must form a regular part of your clinical practice.

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Professional Wellbeing

The CS relationship has clearly defined roles & responsibilities.
If you would like to commence Counselling Supervision (CS) with Life Matters the process is as follows:

  1. Make a 15min Supervision Enquiry appointment via the booking button above. This is offered as a simple introduction an opportunity to ask any questions you have or
  2. Email a brief biography (1 page word document) about your Counselling journey to now & what you expect to receive from Supervision to
  3. Once I’ve received your biography I will email a CS contract to you. Read through your CS contract carefully and ensuring you note any questions or concerns.
  4. Book a Supervision Session via the booking button above.

Thank you and I look forward to working with you.

Supervision Services

The purpose of Counselling Supervision is to support you to address a broad range of professional needs & concerns relating (though not limited) to:

  • Clinical/professional matters
  • Promoting client welfare
  • Developing business acumen
  • Understanding industry requirements
  • Progressing professional identity & competence
  • Addressing personal issues (where appropriate & if negatively impacting work)

Clinical Supervision refers to a principled relationship that will positively enhance your career & professional integrity. 

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View of Hobart ??? | counselling Hobart | life matters holistic counselling

Why Life Matters

Life Matters HC shares your commitment to professional success and this begins with developing a quality relationship with you.

Supervision services are tailored to suit your individual needs, whether you’re employed or working in private practice.

At LM we work together, to identify and discuss any professional issues you need to address, clarify or seek guidance about.

Life Matters Supervision is a Hobart based Professional Support Service designed to ensure your Business success.

“Supporting Helping Professionals… to Rise-Up”

Qualified & Professional

With a long history of corporate experience and having worked in private practice for the past decade, LMHC has a demonstrated understanding of business & people that will support you.

Through formal education, professional/personal development and lived experience, at LMHC we’re accustomed to working with people from all walks of life in a solution-focused capacity.

We work together to understand any professional challenges you’re facing and formulate effective solutions to maintain optimal outcomes. Clinical Supervision will support your career.

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As a Counsellor in Private Practice (Est. NW Vic, 2014) engaging in regular Supervision has been integral to my business success. Supervision with LMHC draws from this experience.

A contractual arrangement tailored to suit you, whether you’re seeking a brief or longer-term CS arrangement, LMHC offers both expertise and value that will meet your needs.

Life Matters Supervision is a Hobart based professional service,  supporting allied health professionals to provide quality care for consumers in the broader community.  


Rise-Up. Individual & Group Supervision
Certified March 2022, ACA Recognised Training

Confidential & easy to access, Supervision appointments can be made by booking online or calling 0421 716 742 directly.

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Clinical supervisor

Enquiries / Appointments

All Clinical Supervision (CS) Sessions are by appointment only.

If you’re currently seeking a Clinical Supervisor, I look forward to hearing from you. For existing Supervisees, make an appointment easily via this website or email

As a Clinical Supervisor I recommend in-person sessions as a general rule, however online sessions are also offered. You can book an online CS session easily via the button above.

Session bookings can be made through the website anytime and CS is offered Monday to Friday between 8.30am and 6.30pm. Out-of-hours sessions may be available on request.


All Counselling Supervision sessions – by appointment only
Monday to Friday – 8.30am to 6.30pm
Limited out-of-hours sessions – may be available upon request

Fees (inc. GST)

Single Session – $99 per session ($90 p/session exc. gst)
Multiple (3) Session Package – $280.50 ($85 p/session exc. gst)
Group Supervision – $55 per 1.5hrs ($50 p/session exc. gst)

Note: If financial considerations prevent you from accessing this service, thank you for contacting me to discuss your situation.

Booking policy

I rely on Supervision session bookings being honoured and adequate notice given regarding cancellations or changes.

Cancellations / Rescheduling

Cancellations or rescheduling within twenty-four (24) hours of your scheduled CS appointment will incur a fee of $77 (inc. gst).


First Supervision session – up to 75 mins
All subsequent CS sessions – 50 mins


All sessions are conducted in private and are fully confidential.

We adhere to the (HTA) Holistic Therapists Australia, Code of Ethics & Practice and to the professional standards set within the Australian Counselling industry.

Payment Terms

Direct bank transfer (terms strictly 7 days) or cash payments accepted.

Ending Supervision

Counselling Supervision with LMHC is a contractual agreement. As such it can be terminated at any time and by either party giving thirty (30) days notice in writing.